Universal Gate Buddhist Journal 普門學報

Journal Information
Publication Discontinued
Publisher: Fo Guang Shan Foundation for Buddhist Culture & Education
Publication Date: January 2001 – December 2010
ISSN: 1609-476X
6 issues per year
Universal Gate Buddhist Journal (UGBJ) is an international Buddhist periodical consists of journal articles, book reviews, academic papers, and theses on Buddhist studies. It is published by Fo Guang Shan Foundation for Buddhist Culture & Education on January 2001, as a bimonthly publication issued on the first day of January, March, May, July, September, and November.
The journal features scholarly research on any aspect of Buddhism. Subjects covered include, but are not limited, to historical and contemporary aspects; theoretical, practical and methodological issues; textual, discourses, ethics, social, cultural, art-historical studies; different disciplinary and sectarian approaches to Buddhism and many more.
Venerable Master Hsing Yun
Ven. Man Guo
Editorial Board:
Ven. Hsin Ding, Ven. Tzu Hui, Ven. Tzu Rong, Ven. Tzu Chia, Ven. Tzu Yi, Ven. Yi Kong, Ven. Hui Kai, Ven. Hui Kuan, Ven. Yi Fa, Ven. Yi Yu, Ven. Yong You, Ven. Yong Ming, Ven. Yong Jing, Ven. Man Guo, Ven. Man Ting, Ven. Man Geng
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