Infinite Compassion, Endless Wisdom 菩薩行證

Infinite Compassion, Endless Wisdom: The Practice of the Bodhisattva Path presents a detailed introduction to the stages on the path to the Mahayana Buddhist ideal of liberating both the self and others as well as the history of the formation of different schools of Buddhism, and accounts of the lives of the Buddha, bodhisattvas and lay devotees.
The book begins by describing how the path should be approached, comparing the causes and conditions necessary for initiating spiritual development to the causes and conditions necessary for the intellectual formation required for professional success. Once the proper orientation to the path has been established, the text states in “The Practice of the Bodhisattva Path” that there are infinite ways of practice on the bodhisattva path; all of these, however, are embodied in the Four Universal Vows, the Four Immeasurable States of Mind, the Four Means of Embracing and the Six Perfections, and the text describes these in detail. The third section, “The Stages of the Bodhisattva Path” is based on the stages of spiritual development that the Buddha himself experienced prior to enlightenment, as narrated in the Jataka Tales, and describes the more than fifty levels before reaching the complete attainment of Buddhahood.