Hsing Yun's Chan Stories 星雲禪話

Hsing Yun’s Ch’an Stories is a collection of stories about the Buddha, about Ch’an masters, about people, monastics, and about Hsing Yun himself.

The storytelling in Hsing Yun’s Ch’an Stories teaches, encourages, guides, inspires, and not least of all, amuses every reader that turns its pages. It is the perfect introduction for the English reader to modern Buddhist belief and practice.


ALL texts (of the Chan Heart Chan ArtHsing Yun’s Ch’an Talk) on this page/website are for educational, and non-commercial use. All contents are copyrighted © Buddha’s Light Publications unless otherwise indicated. ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED. NO commercial, non-profit, or governmental use of any kind is allowed without written permission. Educational use is allowed as permitted by law under the “fair use” clause of the copyright laws. NO redistribution of any modified or altered audio, lyrics and text are allowed.  All audios, lyrics and texts may be commercially licensed.