Between Ignorance and Enlightenment 迷悟之間
Since the inauguration of the daily paper, The Merit Times, in Taiwan on April 1, 2001, I have been writing an article each day for the column “Between Ignorance and Enlightenment.” In the beginning, I was only trying it out, thinking I would finish in a couple of months. However, response from readers has been very enthusiastic, and I just could not stop writing. Among the feedback from our readers, the staff at The Merit Times reported that many people subscribed to the paper because they wanted to read “Between Ignorance and Enlightenment.” Some readers also indicated that after reading the column, their interests and skills in writing had improved.
In addition, after reading the column some people who previously had numerous unwholesome habits have changed for the better. There were also cases where family members had problems getting along with each other and they were inspired by the articles. Their families have become harmonious and joyful, filled with laughter and warmth. These responses from different walks of life greatly reinforced my sense of duty for the column. Because of this mission, which I feel I must shoulder myself, I am motivated to write each and every day. Regardless of how busy my schedule in propagating the Dharma may be, I can always find time during the day to make connections with the readers through my writing.
The meaning of “Between Ignorance and Enlightenment” is actually reflected in our everyday life where there are inevitably many situations involving both “ignorance” and “enlightenment.” Sometimes, those directly affected are deluded, while those around them may see through the situation very clearly. Therefore, a few appropriate words will be of much help in pointing the way to breakthrough, providing food for thought at the same time.
In reality, ignorance and enlightenment lie in just a thought! A thought of ignorance may cause sorrow and pain, while an inspiration of enlightenment can bring out the sun of wisdom. Just as Buddhist sutras indicate, “Troubles are bodhi, and bodhi is trouble!” The sourness of pineapples and grapes can be turned into sweetness with sunshine and warm breezes. Therefore, by being able to reflect and contemplate on the sourness of our ignorance. we can taste the sweetness of enlightenment right here and now.
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